Magic Highlights — 2021

Every­thing Mag­ic is today, has been for more than forty years, and may become reflects over­lap­ping cir­cles of res­i­dents, friends, familles, stu­dents, vol­un­teers, donors, clients, advo­cates, and part­ner orga­ni­za­tions. We invite all to share our joy and sat­is­fac­tion in what we accom­plished togeth­er in 2021. We look for­ward to good works and good times in 2022. Thank you for mak­ing Mag­ic. If you’ve yet to make Mag­ic, we’ll wel­come you.

You can open to the first page of the high­lights by click­ing here, or you can open the first page of one of the top­ics below by click­ing any­where in a top­ic box. You can see 2020 high­lights by click­ing here